How Insights Can Make Your Company Stand Out

Content creation alone isn’t enough to elevate your brand and supercharge lead generation. Marketing leaders need to establish their companies as thought leaders and create content that adds value to buyers. In every industry B2B professionals are inundated with sub-par content (with the help of AI no doubt). Data-driven storytelling – with a real perspective – can help you stand out.

Elevating Your Tech Brand with Original Research

At the heart of original research lies the power of data-driven storytelling. In a world cluttered with repetitive opinions and guides, original research offers fresh, compelling narratives. Despite its potential, only 39% of marketers have tapped into this goldmine in the past year, although 94% acknowledge its brand-building power. The gap is clear: those who use original research can significantly differentiate themselves.

Types of Original Research That Transform Content Strategies

Original research in content marketing can take various forms:

  1. Surveys: Engage large audiences quickly and efficiently, gathering diverse insights.
  2. 1:1 Interviews: Offer depth through detailed discussions.
  3. Third-Party Data Analysis: Utilize existing external data to draw new conclusions.
  4. First-Party Data Analysis: Leverage data from your own tech products for unique insights.

We do it all. But for now let’s focus on Surveys.

The Competitive Advantage of Survey Research

Survey research isn’t just another content tactic; it positions your company as an authoritative thought leader. It provides validated industry insights, generates newsworthy content that attracts media attention and backlinks, and fuels your content calendar with rich, original material. It’s about setting a new standard in your industry.

Executing Impactful Survey Research

To launch successful survey research, follow these steps:

  1. Topic Selection: Choose a relevant and unexplored topic that resonates with your audience.
  2. Planning: Organize your project with clear timelines, budget, and a detailed strategy document.
  3. Survey Creation: Craft your survey with a balance of quantitative and qualitative questions, ensuring clarity and neutrality.
  4. Data Analysis: Dive deep into the data, looking for emerging themes and insights.
  5. Creating Compelling Assets: Transform your findings into engaging, visually appealing reports or multimedia content.
  6. Distribution Strategy: Leverage various channels, including email, social media, and PR, to maximize reach.

Sales Professionals: Unlocking New Conversations with Research

For sales teams, original research is a game-changer. It provides fresh talking points, reactivates dormant conversations, and opens doors to new relationships. Research-based content isn’t just a marketing asset; it’s a potent sales tool in today’s cluttered landscape.

Survey Research: The Path to Thought Leadership

For tech companies looking to stand out, original survey research is more than a content strategy; it’s a path to thought leadership and market distinction. If you’re ready to use the power of survey research to elevate your brand, we are here to guide you from conception to execution…and bring your data to life in ways that make a major impact.

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